Rose Lavender Facial Steam

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Carve out time to pamper skin and soul with Hanako’s Rose Lavender Facial Steam.

This beautifying herbal blend of nourishing botanicals is beneficial for skin hydration, purification and deep cleansing of the pores.




Carve out time to pamper skin and soul with Hanako’s Rose Lavender Facial Steam. This beautifying herbal blend of nourishing botanicals is beneficial for skin hydration, purification and deep cleansing of the pores. It brings all the benefits of a spa steam to the comfort of your home. A combination of Rose, Lavender and Hibiscus herbs combined with pure essential oils of Geranium, Lavender and Eucalyptus to help lift impurities and promote circulation, leaving the skin and soul feeling revitalised, refreshed and glowing with a gorgeous post steam luminosity. Note: This jar is a 60ml travel-sized and is perfect for a gift or to carry in your luggage. It contains up to three facial steams.



Completely cleanse the skin first to start with a clean, fresh face. In a bowl place 3 cups of boiled water then place 3 teaspoons of Hanako’s Rose Lavender Facial Steam Blend. Find a nice quiet and comfy position. A table and chair are a pretty perfect height. Drape a towel over your head, shoulders and the steaming bowl, creating your own little tent. Closing your eyes and keeping your face around 10 inches from the steaming water, begin to deeply inhale and exhale and allow yourself to relax. Stay here for 10 minutes to 15 mins with the intention of going inwards and easing the mind's clutter. When finished gently splash your face with some cool water then pat the skin dry. Spritz with Hanako’s Organic Rose Water and gently pat Restore Facial Serum into the skin. Take a deep breath in, smile gently and release. This is delicious to do before bedtime for a more restful sleep.



Not only do Lavender, Eucalyptus and Geranium pure essential oils act as a balancing agent on the skin, this organic blend will help with stress reduction, anxiety and fatigue. The aromatic essence offers a mind calming and soul centering step to your beauty ritual.

Rose Lavender Facial Steam
Rose Lavender Facial Steam
Rose Lavender Facial Steam
Rose Lavender Facial Steam
Rose Lavender Facial Steam
Rose Lavender Facial Steam